Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Southwest update

I am going to quickly run out of things to complain about if things with SWA keep heading in the right direction. For 3 flights in a row now, they have been on time. That makes them 5 for 10. That's a better away record than most baseball teams, but not enough to get in the playoffs. Hopefully things will continue to get better.

I'm working on one new story and receive inspiration on a second. When it rains ideas, it pours.

On Saturday, we went thru Snow Canyon at 10mph looking at everything. We drove to the top and back down again. We then drove to Tuacahn to see what that's all about. Donny Osmond performs there on the 20th and Tracy and Caitlin are going to go scream and wave their cellphones.

In the afternoon, we saw some returning travelers from CO. They were tired and maybe a little hot, but determined to press on, which they did.

Good night again.



silleeg said...

Glad things are improving with the flights. It was good to see you going to and from CO. Good luck with your stories. Thanks for the one you emailed me!

Tracy said...

Ummmm screaming was NEVER in the plan. I didn't do years ago and I see no need to do it now. ;)