Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ordination and Mutual

So, I got ordained on Sunday and I am starting mutual which is very fun. I'm just super nervous that i will be asked on the spot to play the hymns.... That is my only worry. I think?


silleeg said...

You will do a great job if you get asked to do that! You will probably be asked to play on the spot on your mission, so might as well get used to it now. :) All the insentive to practice more????

Stefley said...

Yup, you better start practicing! They may ask you just to break in the new guy!! Good luck! Mutual is SO much FUN!

Tracy said...

Congratulations on your ordination! Young Men's should be a whole lot of fun for you. Plus its the beginning of your journey to Eagle Scout. Go for it and have a blast while you are doing it!

/\/\r.Joke said...
