Thursday, August 09, 2007

Too Much Fun!!

Alright you vacationing family members, Jan told me that there were two...TWO computers there. I thought for sure that someone would post something while you were all away. But I guess we are out of sight and out of mind. Shucks. We were hoping to participate vicariously through pictures and posts. Guess not. Well I will just have to wait until you return. Grudgingly. ;)


Mom and Dad said...

Hi Tracy,

So, how did the orientation with Red Mountain go? Do you have a schedule? When do you start? How is it going at Walmart?

We are having a very fun time, but it would be more fun with all of you here.

Tracy said...

Orientation when really well. It made me even more excited to work there. My first day is Thursday, where I will go out as a 3rd hiking guide (we usually only send two out). That afternoon I will return and do my CPR Training. I will also meet with Beth (the outside Recreation boss and we will make up the rest of my schedule.

WalMart is fine, we just learned we get 15% off our cell phone bill each month as a "perk".

Lauren is actively looking for another job and Daniel isn't far behind her. She says Sears is way to slow and she stands around doing nothing. Daniel on the other hand works 10 hours shifts of which everyone has to do 1 1/2 hours of prep work. They don't mind paying him time and a half for being over 8 hours as he only gets $2 something an hour and then it goes to $3.50 I think. He isn't getting any tips yet as his "trainer" gets them while he is training. So his first paycheck was for $40.00. YUCK. I hope they are both able to find something quickly.

I am sure you are all having fun. We really wished we could have come along but it just didn't work out for us. We miss hearing from everyone and hope all are safe and sound and having beaucoup fun.

But we do expect lots of pictures and blogs about the fun.

/\/\r.Joke said...
