Friday, August 17, 2007

Congratulations L&J

Congratulations Layne and Jen on finding the perfect ring! I'm so glad your unofficial, unannounced engagement is almost at an end and I LOVE Lewis' idea of a webcam proposal!!! Bring it on.

I loved having lots of people here before the reunion and I look forward to welcoming Lewis and Tracy and Layne and Jen and Rebec with families whenever you guys can make it.

We are planning on the contractor coming to drywall and install the new windows in our little basement office!! That is great for Mike and AWESOME for me as it leads the way to so many other little projects I'm hoping to sneak in next year.

I thought the reunion was awesome, maybe the best one yet except we missed the brothers and families. I love eating dinner together and shopping together and swimming together. I love the aunties loving Grace. She needs the love!!

We are still enjoying our summer. We start school next Wednesday. Our new backpacks are packed with tissues and notebooks and we are ready to go when it's time.

Mike is out of the house for the night so..........When the cat is away..... We are doing Panda Express tonight and a slumber party and maybe tv all night.

Love to you all.


Lewis said...

An all night party sounds very fun. I like the beef/broccoli when I go to Panda Express!

Tracy said...

Pictures please Martissa. I want to see your kidlets!! Thanks for posting and for trying to chat!!

silleeg said...

You are cute Marti! Hope staying up with the kids is fun for you! Yeah for projects around the house! I love doing that.

Mom and Dad said...

Alright!!! Now maybe dad and I can help with some of those "sneaky" projects when we come to see you in November.