Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thanks Mom!

I appreciate Mom coming and helping me after my surgery. Having my tonsils out has not been quite as bad as the stories I heard, but it has been pretty awful. Thank you all for your prayers. I am on day 3 of recovery and hopefully through the worst part. My kids are enjoying the Popsicles and ice cream and pudding at non dessert times of day!Thanks for all your sympathy comments to mom's tonsilectomy post.


Stefley said...

Are you doing better today becki? How long do you have to eat popsicles and liquidy things?

silleeg said...

The doctor wants me on soft foods for 2 weeks. I see him thursday and at that point I hope he will take me off liquids. It is too hard to take my medication on an empty stomach. Today it caught up with me and I haven't been feeling well. :(