Wednesday, August 22, 2007

12 Mile Bike Hike

Yep, tonight I get introduced to a sore bottom. I used to ride my bike to work to and from years ago and Lewis and I and some old single friends used to ride from Irvine down to Balboa on our bikes. But this will be the longest bike ride I have been on in easily over 20+ years. YIKES.

I am exited and found out what I should wear and bring. I am using my own bike, which could be a bad thing or a good thing, not sure which yet. I have a huge bottle of gatorade to put in my bottle rack and will bring some extra in my bag (I have a bag that attaches and sits on the back fender). I'll let you know how it went.....perhaps I'll have to type "standing up". LOL.


Lewis said...

I think you should take your bike on a test drive around the neighborhood!

Tracy said...

Will do that right NOW.

Mom and Dad said...

good luck, tracy. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

Lewis said...

I can't believe you get paid for this! :)

silleeg said...

Did Tracy ever tell us how the ride went? I am sure she loved it and did great!

alwayshot said...

Tracy, how did it go? Are you in pain? Can you sit down? How was the trail that you biked?