Sunday, February 12, 2006

We have dates....

Ok, James will be going through the Temple on Saturday, March 25th. We need to know who is coming so we can make a reservation. We are planning on going to the Redlands Temple. Its small and requires you have your own temple clothes. If this is a problem for anyone let us know. Leslee thought that Los Angeles won't be open yet.

His farewell will be on Easter Sunday, April 16th. Our block of meetings is from 9am til noon. We invite all of you over after the block of meetings for a luncheon.

Again, we need a head count so we can make enough food.

I hope you can join us in this joyous occasion.


Derrick said...

Rebecca we need to go to this.

Mom and Dad said...

Count us in on both. Please let us know what we can bring for the luncheon. We are so excited about all of this. Makes all the waiting and anxiety worth it!

Mom and Dad said...

Just found out something interesting. A man came in to the office whose grandfather had served in this mission. In the course of the conversation he told us that he is a branch president at the MTC. I asked him which branch, he said one of the Spanish ones. Then I told him that our Grandson is going to the MTC on the 19th and that he is going to Taiwan. The man said, "Oh, then he will be there for 12 weeks". Did you know that? I didn't. Did James' letter tell him what language he would be learning?

Mom and Dad said...

That comment doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Please read between the lines and fill in the blanks :)

Tracy said...

Yes, they told him he would be in the MTC for 3 months. It also said he would be "mandarin" speaking. Can you imagine how many job opportunities can come his way here in So Cal being Mandarin speaking? Woo hoooooo. What a blessing.

silleeg said...

Tracy, I am trying to find a plan for little kids while James gets endowed? Does Lauren want to go to the temple to babysit???? Could I bribe her...we would definetly pay her.... let us know.

Tracy said...

I talked with Caitlin and Lauren, they will watch any kids that you need watching. Between the two of them they should be able to handle everyone I think. I will call you with our address, Derek asked for it.

silleeg said...

Thank you caitlin and lauren! We look forward to seeing everyone.