Sunday, February 12, 2006


This is proof that Layne was here for all of you who didn't get to see him. I also thought since there isn't any pictures of layne on the blog why not put one on here! So here is layne, enjoy!


Tracy said...

Nice picture of Layne. Really!

Mom and Dad said...

We appreciate all the work did for us while he was here. He not only helped us with computer problems aat home, but he saved the day at the mission office when an elder inadvertantly erased Carleton's hard drive.

Tracy said...

Whoa....Layne to the rescue. Good thing he just "popped in" eh? He must have followed some inspiration.

silleeg said...

yahoo, now i feel like i just saw layne. :) good job on the office renovation! hope you had a fun time in palmdale.

silleeg said...

What's up with having related comments and correct gramage ( is that a word?)Layne? Am I missing something? :)