Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jokes from the C.L.A.M. (California Los Angeles Mission

A man named Buddy had a parrot which he loved dearly. One day it keeled over and died. Buddy rushed it to the vet and the vet said, "Buddy, your parrot is dead". Buddy asked for a second opinion so the vet brought in a Labrador Retriever who pawed at the bird, and it didn't move. "Buddy, your bird is dead", said the vet. Buddy requested a third opinion so the vet brought in a cat who scratched the parrot. The parrot didn't move. "Your parrot is dead", said the vet. Buddy reconciled himself to the fact that the bird had died and asked the vet how much the bill was. "$500.00, said the vet". Buddy was outraged and asked for an itemized bill. It was like this: $200 for the lab report; $200 for the catscan, and $100 for the diagnosis that the bird was dead. (Everyone should be laughing really hard now.)

Next joke: Did you hear about the Chichuahua who killed a Rotweiler? It got stuck in the Rotweiler's throat.

We had breakfast together this morning as an office staff to say goodbye to one of our A.P.'s who is leaving in the morning. President Raymond is an unending source of jokes and he gets credit (or blame) for both of these. Hope all of you are having a great day. Since we missed the candy for the day James gets his mission call, dad and I are banking on the where and when part of the "lottery". We love you all!! :)

1 comment:

silleeg said...

Those jokes are funny. Glad you have a funny mission president.