Friday, February 10, 2006

Sweet Mialee part 2

Mialee's new thing: When she is doing something she thinks I should be watching; dancing, painting, playing the piano...., she says to me, 'Mama, put your head up, smile, and watch me.' The things kids come up with. She definitely keeps us laughing.


Stefley said...

Mialee is so cute! I want to see you guys!!

Stefley said...

If Paisley could talk it would be cute, but for now we just watch and she is really cute. Her new best friend (making her binki her second best friend) is a cute lion rattle we have named leo. She loves him so and tried to rip him in half, it is so cute!

silleeg said...

That is adorable. I love when toys become interesting. It is fun to watch babies play with them. Nathan is not really thrilled with toys yet. Derrick is his favorite toy right now. He likes me when he is hungry, but other than that, he is definitely a Daddy's boy.