Sunday, February 05, 2006

Smith Household

Yesterday Mialee enjoyed a fun Primary activity. The goal was to have each child paint 2 Valentines and wrap them in toole with candy and give them to their parents. Well, I got a lovely painted heart but have yet to see the bag of candy. :)

Mialee finally pooed in the toilet today, with the aid of her determined father. Derrick holds a diaper around her while she is sitting on the toilet, then when the poo begins to fall, he pulls the diaper away... ahh, the things we do. We thought she would be thrilled with herself, but she was a little upset she didn't get the poo in the diaper.

Nathan was finally approved for Medi-Cal. Hopefully this week CCS will give their approval and we can start with doctor appts.

Thanks to Dad for doing our taxes. One nice thing about owning nothing and being destitute is that taxes take about 8 mintues to do.... well, I guess I shouldn't talk since I didn't do them this year. Did it take longer than that, Dad? :)

Where is Martissa? I backed her up last week, suggesting she has been too busy to join us....but HELLO, we miss her. Where or where is our little Marti? Oh where or where could she be? Is she busy with kids, the piano and such? Oh where or where could she be?



Mom and Dad said...

Wow! Yesterday was a red letter day in the Smith home. Rebecca, I had no idea your talents extended to poetry! I loved your Martissa song.

silleeg said...

what does a red letter day mean?

Mom and Dad said...

A red letter day is a day of momentous or exciting events - like Mialee pooing in the potty and having a fun Primary activity.

Tracy said...

I agree with Jan, anytime you can make progress in the potty department its a red letter day. I don't have fond memories of that. I had 3 in diapers at one time and IT WASN'T FUN. When James potty trained he did it pretty much all on his own. But he was 3 1/2. Daniel did the same about age 3. Lauren and Caitlin both around age 2 1/2 (girls really are more advanced) and Jonathan just before his 3rd birthday. I wasn't into the taking them to the potty to see if they had to go thing. Hope she continues to go there.

I loved taking my kids to primary activities. I found if you don't get the treat right after they make it (when its made for the parents) you don't get it. LOL. These days I can live without the treats anyway.

Did you miss out on anything good? chocolate? hehe