Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This is a good spot for NEWS

Mike and I are having another baby! Due either September 2nd or September 9th depending on who wins the armwrestle - the ultrasound tech or the nurse. My guess is September 3, so I don't really care what either of them say. We don't know the gender, but because I'm old and "HIGH" risk, it sounds like I'm getting lots of ultrsounds and I'll probably get to know early. Mike thinks its either a boy or a girl. He's usually right about these things.

I'm very very sick, so you all need to come see me and clean my house, particularly the toilets (I hate throwing up in dirtly toilets). I'll feed you (as long as you cook and do the dishes) and I'll let you do your laundry and mine in the washer/dryer. It's the vacation you've been looking for! PLus, my visiting teacher would really appreciate you!

Love to everyone,


Tracy said...

Woo hoooooo, I love all these babies! I am so very happy for you. I told Lewis (he never comes on here) only to find out that he already knew.

I too, think the chances for a boy or girl are good. Let us know names as you come up with them. I love the ones you have already : James, Vallen, Grace. Lets hope for a boy just to keep things even.

I hope you get to feeling better. I didn't get morning sickness much except with James and Daniel. I can't imagine being sick with 3 little ones.

I wished I lived closer, I would help you every day. Heck so would the kids.

Blessings to you and yours and know you are loved and remembered in our prayers.

silleeg said...

First of all, Layne, what the heck are you doing up at 530am? Go back to bed!

Glad to have you on here Marti.

We are such a funny family. This post made me chuckle.

Mom and Dad said...

Martissa! Good to hear from you. We have lots of fun with our blog. Dad and I will be your helpers for the weekend. I won't start the quilt until we know if you are having a boy or a girl.

Stefley said...

YAY! Thanks for FINALLY joining us Marti. You have a lot to get caught up on on the blog! Good luck!