Sunday, February 19, 2006

Question for Tracy...

I am trying to figure out the details for James' endowment day. Will Lauren and Caitlin be watching kids at your house or at the temple?


Tracy said...

Which ever you prefer. I know my kids would like to join us for lunch afterwards. But now that you mention it, Redlands isn't really equipped to entertain people for hours. They could walk around the grounds, not sure how your little ones would be doing that or even if the weather will cooperate. Let me talk to them about it again. I would think the best solution would be to have them do it at the house. We could always come back here to pick them up for lunch. Let me know what you think in the mean time.

silleeg said...

I am fine with either. I am not familiar with what the temple grounds are like there. I could ask my mother in law to keep Mialee and just bring Nathan. He doesn't care where he is as long as there is food and someone to hold him. :) Mialee might be happier without the long drive. I will check on that.

Derrick said...
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