Thursday, February 23, 2006

Request :)

Post more pictures of Paisley. I looked at the Cornwall blog and saw a cute picture of her. We want them too. How did she do with her shots? Mialee was always a trooper, but little Nathan didn't handle his too well. Nathan was 12 lbs 14 oz at his February appt. He goes back the beginning of March for more shots and another weigh in.... my chunky baby. :):) I love the rolls; they make him extra cuddily!


Stefley said...

I'll post more pictures of Paisley if you post more of your kids. Paisley did well getting her shots. She had finished crying by the time we got to the car. She had a little fever for a couple days so we kept her drugged. She chose that week to make a schedule change so I don't know if she did it on her own or if the shots did it. Ever since then she has been very needy and wakes up a couple times during the night. I hope this will pass quickly.

Stefley said...

P.S. Paisley was 12 lb. 13 oz last wednesday at the doctor.

silleeg said...

Hopefully Paisley will get back to her normal self soon. Nathan gets up twice a night and it makes for a tiring next day. Good luck!