Sunday, February 12, 2006

The New Look of the Office

This weekend with the help of Layne, Mom and Dad's office has received a facelift. It looks a whole lot neater and there is a ton of space since the beast of a computer desk has been removed. Now you don't have to fight over which computer gets to move their mouse. Also notice the wireless router in the middle of the computers, that's right, we've gone wireless. Now Mom and Dad's computer can be online at the same time! Lots of cool things going on up in Palmdale.


Tracy said...

Hey guys it looks great...and I think I see a mothers day and fathers day computer chairs perhaps?

Mom and Dad said...

Stefanie and Jason helped a great deal with this, too, putting the desks together and all. This is a long overdue change, but dad and I never seem to get around to stuff like that - we are terrific at "making do".