Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sick kids

I thought I was past the days of having to stay home to attend sick children. But not so. It seems we have two home today (Caitlin and Jonny). They are both running fevers and not happy. At the moment they are in bed, but they both still want "MOM". Nice to still be needed though.

No mission call as of yet. We have all given up and will be very surprised when it comes. BTW, can we get a head count of who wants to or is interested in coming to the Temple with us when James takes out his endowments? Our stake president doesn't let them go until 2 weeks before they are supposed to report to the MTC. Jan, is this church wide or is it just his "policy". This is new. I got my call in late February, took out my endowments on Mar 4th, and didn't report until June 30th.

Hope you all are having a great day!


Mom and Dad said...

I don't know if the two weeks before reporting to the MTC is a church-wide policy or your stake's policy. Either way, please count us in - we definitely will be there.

silleeg said...

Sick kids? Poor them. Hope they get better soon. Mialee and Nathan send their sympathy. They both have fevers, too.

Mom and Dad said...

Are Caitlin and Jonny better today?

Tracy said...

Yes, back to school for them both. Although they would have preferred another day at home with Mom waiting hand and foot on them. :) Fevers are gone, but they still have nose stuff....could just be the winds. Who knows?