Tuesday, February 21, 2006


...to leslee, stefi, and paisley for coming to ventura and watching mialee while nathan had his audiologist appointment. i didnt get to see them regretable, but mialee enjoyed her time. paisley is as cute as her pictures, and, leslee and stefi are too, for that matter. :)

nathan was fitted today for hearing aids. tomorrow i will set up an appointment for him to see the ENT. then he will be ready to get the hearing aids. ayeaye, the process, but finally it seems to be working out.

it only took us 3 hours to get home from ventura with crying/hungry children and mialee only wet her pants twice! :):):)


Stefley said...

I think it is funny that mialee wet her pants twice. How did you know? Did you fix it both times or leave it be? It was very fun to play with mialee and to see nathan for the first time.

silleeg said...

I left it be....poor her. we had her go to the potty before we left, we stopped once and had her go, so i dont get why she wets her pants. one time happened while she was asleep and at home she still wears diapers for naps and bedtime. the other time she was awake and she announced she was peeing in her underwear as she was doing it. this potty training thing is sorta the pits. oh well. i guess someday she will have it down. i wish we could have talked a little yesterday. you look good and paisley is very cute.