Monday, February 13, 2006

Such an adventure

We are having so much fun learning about Taiwan. We are looking for a big picture (travel perhaps) book on Taiwan. We found a little paperbook kind, like an Auto club tourbook. We want the big colorful kind but Barnes and Noble doesn't have anything like it. If you find something can you tell us where so we can try a local place to get it.

We have learned that James will be able to email his father and I once weekly. We will cut and post his emails here so you can all share in them. We have told him that if anyone except us writes to him, he MUST return their letters. So, feel free to write him and know that you will hear back.

Making a to do list from his misson call booklet and a "shopping list". Sheesh, I forgot about half of this stuff. Lewis and I aren't exactly in the know on going "foreign" either.

He will be arriving in Taiwan during monsoon season. Hehe. He will also arrive just in time to help celebrate the Church's 50th anniversary there. I wonder if they will send some General Authority's to help with the celebration.

We are just enjoying the journey. Hope you don't mind me sharing all of it. Let me know if you get bored with it all.


silleeg said...

i finally found it on a map. we are so excited!

silleeg said...

Mialee will write James. Well, maybe color a picture would be more acurate. She loves to color for people.