Friday, February 24, 2006

Paisley's Big Adventure with Mialee

This is Paisley all ready to go on her big adventure in Ventura with Cousin Mialee.
After we picked up Mialee from Nathan's doctor appointment we all went to the mall. This is Leslee and Mialee after they had tried on a lot of different kinds of perfumes and now they were ready for a make over at the make-up counter.
After Mialee was all dolled up it was time to try on shoes. Mialee loves fancy shoes that sparkle and have really high heels.
Then we all took a ride in the elevator. This was Paisley's first time in the elevator and she loved it! It was very fun to go to Ventura and play with Mialee!


silleeg said...

Stef, thank you for posting these. They are darling. Mialee loves shoes, makeup and perfume. She is quite the girl. Thanks for having fun with her!

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks for the post, Stefanie.
The pictures and the story with them are priceless.