Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Things are moving right along with Nathan. He was approved for Medi-Cal last week. CCS moved quickly and got him an appointment with a new audiologist in Ventura on February 21. After that visit, the treatment plan will go according to what that doctor says. We are interested to see if he tests the same because to us he seems more responsive the older he gets.

Our pediatrician doesn't accept Medi-Cal, so the kids meet their new doctor on Friday; just to establish him as Mialee's doctor and to get him up to speed with Nathan. Hopefully he will be as wonderful as our previous one.

In the meantime, Nathan's friends continue to come twice a month and 'work' (play) with him. Right now it is mostly observation to make sure he continues to grow and develop according to 'schedule'. If a problem develops, that's when they will take some action.

I am off to work. Hope everyone has a good day.


Tracy said...

I am glad that everything is coming together so quickly and easily for Nathan. Thanks for the updates. We don't get to see you much and its been nice to hear from you often. I feel connected. hehe.

I hope your work day goes by quickly and that you return to a clean house, clean and sleeping children and a cooked meal. LOL, Ok let hope you come to home to one of those things.

Give Mialee and Nathan a hug from all of us.

silleeg said...

You are funny Tracy. Actually, I usually come home to an almost clean house, but as long as no one is crying, that works for me. I am enjoying being more connected with everyone also. This BLOG was a great idea!