Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Family Opinion Post

OK Jason and I are planning to switch to Cingular and this will be a 2 year contract so we want to make sure we are doing a good thing so everyone with cingular please cast your vote. Yea or Nay? Every opinion counts!


Jason said...

Tehy have a lot of cool phones, my vote is:

Mom and Dad said...

We like Cingular as much as any we have had. Especially while you are in Palmdale - we have had the best luck there with Cingular

Tracy said...

ABSOLUTELY!!! We have a family plan with 2500 minutes and pay just under $200 but everyone of us has a phone except Jon and Caitlin. We used to get dinged for going over our minutes on Verizon...I hate them. But cingular has the only plan that gives us enough minutes for all of us and....has rollover. YEA

Stefley said...

I'm not too worried about the contract, 2 years just seems like a long time. Jason isn't worried though. With L-3 we also have a choice of a lot of free phon, and they aren't the bottom of the barrel!

Stefley said...

If you got your phone layne do we still have to pay activation fees?

silleeg said...

Guess I won't be commenting here cause we are a happy verizon family.... :):):)

Stefley said...

Thanks to all who voted in, we have put our order in and expect to recieve our new phone within the week!! We'll let you all know our new phone numbers when we get them.