Monday, September 03, 2007

The "saga" continues

For those of you who don't know, the deal on the Trudeau house fell through. Stefanie and Leslee have been trying to convince dad, since he worked on the house the first time, that he needed to add some color and some updates like new mirrors and light fixtures in the bathroom. Well, their persistance finally worked and this very moment dad and Leslee and gathering supplies and materials to do some upgrading in that house before we try to sell it again. Obviously the house on which we made an offer in St. George also fell apart as it was contingent upon the sale of the Trudeau house, so we are back to "square one". A little dijavou (sp) - the buyer wanted to rent the house while he/she continued to pursue a mortgage to buy it.


Tracy said...

So sorry to hear of your house woes! But really glad to hear that you didn't go down memory land and rent to them!!!! Take before and after pics of what ever they are changing. Shelley and I can't figure out what you are doing. Please.

Lewis said...

Rent the house? LOL