Thursday, September 13, 2007

Our NEW old sectional!

Ever since we moved in here I have wanted a sectional for the family room. I however have NOT wanted to spend the money for a sectional. However, I have been diligent in my search always watching for "the deal". This morning of all mornings I was rewarded. There was a gentleman out in Dameron Valley who was "giving his away". Yep....can you say FREE?!!! I drove out to look at it and said "I'll take it". Went home and Lewis and I rented a Uhaul and with the help of one of Lauren's college guy friends picked it up and brought it home. What do you think? Yes, its older, yes its used but it was FREE!


Stefley said...

That's my kinda deal!! That's awesome! Are you on freecycle in St. George now? Do we need more details about this college guy friend of lauren's?? :)

Tracy said...

LOL, no he is just a friend and dating her best friend. He is just a sweetheart who agreed to come help us.

silleeg said...

I like it! I love the look in your house! Good job!

Lewis said...

Brad, the college guy, has an excellent motorcycle that Lauryn is not allowed to go on, so she doesn't and Brad doesn't press her to do it. He's very nice, but...not quite our type, but still a good and helpful friend.

Mom and Dad said...

The furniture looks great. You have such a nice, big room to put it in. Great shopping!