Saturday, September 15, 2007

Great Wedding Present!

We have been married for almost 5 years and today for the very first time we used one of our wedding presents! We never before have opened this awesome skillet, but this morning we decided to use it! It works great and it made making pancakes super easy! We could have made 20 at once if we would have wanted too. We love this skillet and now that it has made a debut out of the box I'm sure we'll be using it a lot!


Mom and Dad said...

What a fun surprise to discover after almost 5 years of packing it up and moving it from one place to another. You can cook lots of hash browns on those skillets, too.

Tracy said...

I love my skillet. We do pancakes, hashbrowns, grilled cheese, eggs and bacon on ours. One of the best mothers day gifts I have ever received.