Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mike's Office

Finally, Mike's office is in the making. I'd take a picture, but I'm so tired I'm not moving. We paid a friend to sheetrock and tape and texture the room. I've primed and painted until the skin on my hands hurt and I can't hold up the roller any more. I still have the wall color. The ceiling is a cool (meaning frosty) light blue, the walls will be a darker of the same color and the trim all white. We also put in nice new windows in the room while we were at it. I purchased carpet over the Labor Day holiday to get the sale price and it's going in next week. So all painting and trim install needs to be finished by next Wednes. I think I'll make it.

Mike gets back from LA tomorrow night. He thinks he is somewhere by the airport in some Marriot hotel. Not very observant for the superman, is it?

We've all been sick and now we are all getting better. yea! Have we heard from Layne or Jen recently?

I love you all,


silleeg said...

Wow, all that work with the kids and being sick! Good job Marti! Fun for Mike to have a new office. I have been thinking about painting one wall in Mialee's room, but until I know the amount of work involved,, I am not jumping into that project right now. Glad everyone is getting better!

Stefley said...

We need you to come to our house, we have 2 rooms to paint still! Sounds like a good job! We can't wait to see it!
I was just thinking about layne and jen this morning so I think I will call him this afternoon.