Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My Car Accident!!

On my way to work this morning, I was minding my own business in the outside lane of the roundabout when a gentleman in a blue pick up basically cut me off as he was trying to get in front of me to turn under the freeway. The cops cited him for illegal lane change. My van is drivable for short distances. My grill is gone and something inside there rattles when I go over 35 or so. Good thing I live so close to work eh? I called his insurance company and I should be hearing from an adjuster soon. If I had to be in an accident.....he was very nice and very responsible. He admitted even before the cops showed up (which he called) that he had cut me off. When the cops came to take our statements even they were impressed with how honest he was. He has insurance and it should pay for the repairs on the van. I am hoping for a rental car too. We will see.
All in all abit too much excitement for me.



Mom and Dad said...

Poor you, Tracy. I'm so sorry you had an accident. They are very stressful and no fun at all. I assume that you weren't hurt? Keep us posted.

silleeg said...

So glad you are not hurt! Hopefully the car will be fixed soon.

Tracy said...

Yes, I am fine. I was more shocked than anything else. I had the shakes from the adrenalin for almost two hours after but I went to work as soon as the cops told me I could go and once I got my mind distracted I was fine emotionally too. Thanks for the phone call Jan.