Saturday, September 15, 2007

Neighborhood Block Party

Well tonight is the night. When we moved in we found out that our street and Count Fleet, have a quarterly block party and we had just missed theirs the night before. Shucks. Anyway, they decided to welcome us in style by having us HOST the next one. Its a pot luck and due to Halloween being in this quarter they are encouraging costumes (we aren't wearing any). There will be fun and games and lots of food. Its a pot luck. My only concern is that they also bring seating and tables. I have been assured that everyone does. I'll try to take some pics and post them later and report how it went.


silleeg said...

How fun that will be! I am guessing they will be eating outside??

Mom and Dad said...

So, how was the party? Dad and I just got back from the temple so we are totally out of the loop. And how are you???? Hope you are drinking your gatorade!

Tracy said...

It was wonderful see the blog above. Yes I am drinking my gatorade and plenty of water too. I even listened to the doctor and took today off from running. That was very hard to do but what the heck I already gave up on having a good finish time for St George, I just need to finish. Another year towards my 10 yr club. My brother will arrive the Wednesday before to acclimate and visit. Its cool to have Shelley and him both running it this year.