Sunday, September 30, 2007
Exosted and Tired
I a so tired. We had a great time in Alaska. It was so fun even though it flew by fast. IS ANY ONE ON RIGHT NOW AT 5:15 EXACT?
Another so funny thing from kendal
It's that time of year to take our annual mental test.Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it! Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of intelligence.Take the test presented here to determine if you're losing it or not. The spaces below are so you don't see the answers until you've made your answer.OK, relax, clear your mind and begin.
1. What do you put in a toaster?
Answer: "bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 2.
2.. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said "water", proceed to question 3.
3.. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?
Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," why are you still reading these???If you said "glass," go on to Question 4.
4.. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany.) Anyway, during the flight, TWO engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of "no man's land" between East Germany and West Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or no man's land"?
Answer: You don't bury survivors.If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. If you said, "You don't bury survivors", proceed to the next question.
5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus; In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on In Cardiff , 11 people get off and 16 people get on. In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven. What was the name of the bus driver?
Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!
Now pass this along to all your friends and pray they do better than you.PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!
1. What do you put in a toaster?
Answer: "bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 2.
2.. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said "water", proceed to question 3.
3.. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?
Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," why are you still reading these???If you said "glass," go on to Question 4.
4.. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany.) Anyway, during the flight, TWO engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of "no man's land" between East Germany and West Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or no man's land"?
Answer: You don't bury survivors.If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. If you said, "You don't bury survivors", proceed to the next question.
5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus; In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on In Cardiff , 11 people get off and 16 people get on. In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven. What was the name of the bus driver?
Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!
Now pass this along to all your friends and pray they do better than you.PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!
So funny...from my cousin Kendal Kelly
Ha ha, this is really absurd!
> 42 Weird Things You Would Never Know!! >>>
1.) A shrimp's heart is in its head.>>
2.) The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the >toughest tongue twister in the English language. >>
3.) Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have>over a million descendants.>>
4.) Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in >your ear by 700 times. >>
5.) If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title>14, Section 1211 of the C
ode of Federal Regulations, implemented on July>16, 1969 make it illegal for U. S. citizens to have any contact with >extraterrestrials or their vehicles?>>
6.) In every episode of Seinfeld, there is a Superman somewhere.>>
7.) A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.> >
9.) Most lipstick contains fish scales>>
10) Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. >>
11.) If you sneeze too hard you can fracture a rib. If you try to >suppress a sneeze you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and>die. If you keep your eyes open by force they can pop out. >>
12.) In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no >one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.>>   ;
13.) It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. >>
14.) A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. >>
15.) More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or>received a telephone call.>>
16.) Horses can't vomit. >>
17.) Butterflies taste with their feet. >>
18.) In 10 minutes, a category three hurricane releases more energy>than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined.>>
19.) On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every >year.>>
20.) On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.>>
21.) Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived >immigrant s.>>
22.) Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for >dating are already married.>>
23.) Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.>>
24.) Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.>>
25.) It's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs. >>
26.) Women blink nearly twice as much as men. >>
27.) Americans eat an average of 18 acres of pizza every day.
28.) The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every >year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the >weight of all the books that would occupy the building.>>
29.) A snail can sleep for three years.>>
30) No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH." > >
31.) Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and>ears never stop growing.>>
32) The electric chair was invented by a dentist.>>
33.) All polar bears are left handed. >>
34.) In ancient Egypt , priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies,>including their eyebrows and eyelashes.>>
35.) &nbs p;An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. >>
36.) TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the>letters on only one row of the keyboard.>>
37.) "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. >>
38.) If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33.>She would stand 7 feet, 2 inches tall.>>
39.) A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.>>
40.) The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. >>
41.) It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.>>
42.) Almost everyone who reads this email will try to lick their>elbow. >
> 42 Weird Things You Would Never Know!! >>>
1.) A shrimp's heart is in its head.>>
2.) The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the >toughest tongue twister in the English language. >>
3.) Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have>over a million descendants.>>
4.) Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in >your ear by 700 times. >>
5.) If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title>14, Section 1211 of the C
ode of Federal Regulations, implemented on July>16, 1969 make it illegal for U. S. citizens to have any contact with >extraterrestrials or their vehicles?>>
6.) In every episode of Seinfeld, there is a Superman somewhere.>>
7.) A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.> >
9.) Most lipstick contains fish scales>>
10) Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. >>
11.) If you sneeze too hard you can fracture a rib. If you try to >suppress a sneeze you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and>die. If you keep your eyes open by force they can pop out. >>
12.) In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no >one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.>>   ;
13.) It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. >>
14.) A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. >>
15.) More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or>received a telephone call.>>
16.) Horses can't vomit. >>
17.) Butterflies taste with their feet. >>
18.) In 10 minutes, a category three hurricane releases more energy>than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined.>>
19.) On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every >year.>>
20.) On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.>>
21.) Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived >immigrant s.>>
22.) Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for >dating are already married.>>
23.) Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.>>
24.) Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.>>
25.) It's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs. >>
26.) Women blink nearly twice as much as men. >>
27.) Americans eat an average of 18 acres of pizza every day.
28.) The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every >year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the >weight of all the books that would occupy the building.>>
29.) A snail can sleep for three years.>>
30) No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH." > >
31.) Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and>ears never stop growing.>>
32) The electric chair was invented by a dentist.>>
33.) All polar bears are left handed. >>
34.) In ancient Egypt , priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies,>including their eyebrows and eyelashes.>>
35.) &nbs p;An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. >>
36.) TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the>letters on only one row of the keyboard.>>
37.) "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. >>
38.) If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33.>She would stand 7 feet, 2 inches tall.>>
39.) A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.>>
40.) The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. >>
41.) It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.>>
42.) Almost everyone who reads this email will try to lick their>elbow. >
Friday, September 28, 2007
St George MARATHON!!!! One week from tomorrow....
Yes, its quickly coming. Shelley, how is your taper coming along? Are you experiencing any taper madness due to the reduced mileage or simply enjoying the time off? I did 6.5 today and according to the "parrot predictor" should be able to run a 5:38 marathon. I was thinking I would come in somewhere between 5:30 and 5:40 so I guess I am finally dialing in my capabilities. My left hammy was tight today but by mile 4 was loosening up some. Won't be doing a whole lot between now and the big race. My brother arrives Wednesday. We are shooting to take one of the first busses up. What are your plans?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
We haven't heard from each other in awhile...
I talked to the cruise goers yesterday and they are having a good time. They were having a day in Alaska when I spoke to them.
Tracy, how's work going? How has the flight status been for Lewis? Are your kids liking school there?
Mialee is back in preschool and loving it! Nathan finally goes to Nursery without crying and has a good time there! Yahoo, didn't think that would happen so soon!
A happy last week of September to all.....
I talked to the cruise goers yesterday and they are having a good time. They were having a day in Alaska when I spoke to them.
Tracy, how's work going? How has the flight status been for Lewis? Are your kids liking school there?
Mialee is back in preschool and loving it! Nathan finally goes to Nursery without crying and has a good time there! Yahoo, didn't think that would happen so soon!
A happy last week of September to all.....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Becoming Fall
Bon Voyage
Mom, Dad, Leslee, David and the kids are now in Canada on the start of their vacation! They have turned off cell phones to avoid getting roaming charges so for now they are unavailable to update us on how much fun they are having. I hope they are having tons of fun and we can't wait to join them!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Mike's Office
Finally, Mike's office is in the making. I'd take a picture, but I'm so tired I'm not moving. We paid a friend to sheetrock and tape and texture the room. I've primed and painted until the skin on my hands hurt and I can't hold up the roller any more. I still have the wall color. The ceiling is a cool (meaning frosty) light blue, the walls will be a darker of the same color and the trim all white. We also put in nice new windows in the room while we were at it. I purchased carpet over the Labor Day holiday to get the sale price and it's going in next week. So all painting and trim install needs to be finished by next Wednes. I think I'll make it.
Mike gets back from LA tomorrow night. He thinks he is somewhere by the airport in some Marriot hotel. Not very observant for the superman, is it?
We've all been sick and now we are all getting better. yea! Have we heard from Layne or Jen recently?
I love you all,
Mike gets back from LA tomorrow night. He thinks he is somewhere by the airport in some Marriot hotel. Not very observant for the superman, is it?
We've all been sick and now we are all getting better. yea! Have we heard from Layne or Jen recently?
I love you all,
Sunday, September 16, 2007
News for Soccer
Finally! We won our second game. It was:2 to 3! They had 2 and we had 3. We were so happy. I also did my first slide tackle. It was so cool. Really I did more than 2 slide tackles. I loved it maybe I could do another one on the next game.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Neighborhood Block Party Report!
Well it was a real blast is all I can say. My only complaint was that there were so many people there that I still haven't had opportunity to talk and meet the neighbors. We had about 50-60 people. Great food and great company. Some of our hawaiian neighbors even sang/played for us. They both have beautiful voices and blended well together. The kids liked playing with each other, especially my kids with the cousins. I would tell you who everyone is in the pictures but I only know a few. You might recognize some of them too.
Our Big Girl!
Great Wedding Present!
Neighborhood Block Party
Well tonight is the night. When we moved in we found out that our street and Count Fleet, have a quarterly block party and we had just missed theirs the night before. Shucks. Anyway, they decided to welcome us in style by having us HOST the next one. Its a pot luck and due to Halloween being in this quarter they are encouraging costumes (we aren't wearing any). There will be fun and games and lots of food. Its a pot luck. My only concern is that they also bring seating and tables. I have been assured that everyone does. I'll try to take some pics and post them later and report how it went.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I've got Business Cards!
I found a promotion online to get free business cards so I decided to print some up for my other websites that I run. Lately people have really started a push for offline promotion so here is my first attempt at it. I'm not sure who I would give these cards to, to help spread the word and increase my revenue. For now they will just be going to the contest winners on my blog, but I'll always keep some on me so I can hand them out if I need to.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Just call me Brad! We got some funny jokes that we got out of a little "jokelopedia" today. Here are a couple of our favorites!
What did Tennessee?
The same thing as Arkansas
What did Mississip'?
Her Minnesota
Did you hear about the delivery van loaded with thesauruses that crashed into the taxi?
Witnesses were astounded, shocked, taken aback, surprised, startled, dumbfounded, thunderstruck....
That last one was our FAVORITE!! Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend, yay!
What did Tennessee?
The same thing as Arkansas
What did Mississip'?
Her Minnesota
Did you hear about the delivery van loaded with thesauruses that crashed into the taxi?
Witnesses were astounded, shocked, taken aback, surprised, startled, dumbfounded, thunderstruck....
That last one was our FAVORITE!! Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend, yay!
The First Game
WE LOST!! We lost our first soccer game. Anyway it was a hard team.The score was 4 to 0. We had 0 and they had 4.The name was,"The Maroon Striketts." Next week we are playing," The Vilote Vickings." I hope we win next week! We are," The Purple People Eaters."
Our NEW old sectional!
Ever since we moved in here I have wanted a sectional for the family room. I however have NOT wanted to spend the money for a sectional. However, I have been diligent in my search always watching for "the deal". This morning of all mornings I was rewarded. There was a gentleman out in Dameron Valley who was "giving his away". Yep....can you say FREE?!!! I drove out to look at it and said "I'll take it". Went home and Lewis and I rented a Uhaul and with the help of one of Lauren's college guy friends picked it up and brought it home. What do you think? Yes, its older, yes its used but it was FREE!
LIZZY is officially ONE!
We woke Lizzy up with balloons and singing!
She had lots of help opening presents before the children left for school.
She loves the backyard sand pit.
I bought a tank of helium so that we could have floating balloons for the big day. This is the awesome birthday sign that Vallen and I made.
This the chocolate and vanilla ice cream cone cake. We found it delicious and left it gone.
Mike is instructing Lizzy on the finer points of candle blowing without using finger snuffing.
She didn't get it, but Mike grabbed her finger and James blew out the candle!
Lizzy loved her cake.
I'm glad the day was relatively successful and it is soon over.
The best present award goes to the make your own fort. I gave it to Lizzy so that everyone would get to play with it and I would not ever hear - "it's mine, you can't play with it." I just say, "It's Lizzy's and she shares with everyone."
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
A Magician in our midst!!
Another one of my fringe benefits that I get from working at Red Mtn is that I get to attend Steven's training meetings. He is doing one this month that was themed "Create an Illusion". Let me just say that he is very very good at what he does. Also......he is quite a magician and I think he should perform some of those very clever illusions and magic tricks for us at the next family reunion. What do you think?
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Goofin Around
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Soccer Season
We are finally getting to our first soccer game! This Saturday is our game. I am so exited. My soccer name is the "Purple People Eaters." It is not my favorite name, but if I was at the meeting I would have chosen "Fire Frenzy." Well our soccer game is at 11:00 a.m.! I have a lot of friends that play soccer. I hope I play one of them.
My Car Accident!!
On my way to work this morning, I was minding my own business in the outside lane of the roundabout when a gentleman in a blue pick up basically cut me off as he was trying to get in front of me to turn under the freeway. The cops cited him for illegal lane change. My van is drivable for short distances. My grill is gone and something inside there rattles when I go over 35 or so. Good thing I live so close to work eh? I called his insurance company and I should be hearing from an adjuster soon. If I had to be in an accident.....he was very nice and very responsible. He admitted even before the cops showed up (which he called) that he had cut me off. When the cops came to take our statements even they were impressed with how honest he was. He has insurance and it should pay for the repairs on the van. I am hoping for a rental car too. We will see.
All in all abit too much excitement for me.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thanks for the Pic CD Martissa!!
We felt majorly left out of the family reunion and were very anxious to see pics from it but none ever materialized. Til NOW!! Thanks, what a wonderful idea to combine everyones pictures on a cd. Very cool and very much appreciated.
Monday, September 03, 2007
The "saga" continues
For those of you who don't know, the deal on the Trudeau house fell through. Stefanie and Leslee have been trying to convince dad, since he worked on the house the first time, that he needed to add some color and some updates like new mirrors and light fixtures in the bathroom. Well, their persistance finally worked and this very moment dad and Leslee and gathering supplies and materials to do some upgrading in that house before we try to sell it again. Obviously the house on which we made an offer in St. George also fell apart as it was contingent upon the sale of the Trudeau house, so we are back to "square one". A little dijavou (sp) - the buyer wanted to rent the house while he/she continued to pursue a mortgage to buy it.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Growing Up
Paisley is sure growing up. She is getting to be a very cute big girl that says and does funny new things every day. Today her and her daddy match their Sunday clothes. I thought Paisley looked so big wearing a shirt and skirt to church instead of a dress. Also when I took this bottom picture of her she handed me her binkie and then backed up and said cheese and I took her picture. She has never done that before, but it is cute that she is starting to understand more about taking pictures and she is old enough to pose herself and take the picture on her own terms. She is so sweet!
Shopping Success
Yesterday we traveled to Wichita to do some shopping. With a bunch of sales around it was a good time to pick up a few things we needed. We didn't find all of those thing but one important thing we found was this. It is the Canon MP470. It is an all in one printer as you can probably tell. A while back when we lived in California our old computer printer was stolen out of our storage unit and this is the first chance we have had to replace. We are excited to have such a fancy printer. Since I teach sunbeams I often need Jason to run copies for me for my lessons and now I have a copy machine at home and I can do it myself! We are very excited to have this fun new "toy".
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Music Website
If any of you guys are doing piano, and have trouble reading notes, you can go to: It is a cool web site, you can click on things and and it will help you do some things. I am doing the "free theory drills" that help me read the notes quicker. You should try it out some time!
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