Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prop 8

You know I don't claim to be eloquent in speaking or in writing. I don't claim to be a college graduate or even "intelligent". What I do claim to be is logical and sensible. I am sick to death of reading all the articles about prop 8 and the gays and lesbians who are tired of being discrimated against. Forget equality lets take it down to simple right and wrong.

Right is protecting children from pedophiles. Right is marriage to one spounse only (man's law). Right is protecting the general public from psychopaths. If you asked the general public about any of those issues 98% would agree with you. Yes, children need protecting from sexual predators, the public need to be protected against people intent upon doing us bodily harm (sometimes this can be physical sometimes emotional and/or mental). The law of the land even states that we can't have more than one spouse. These are all areas of simple logic and right versus wrong. What has happened to us then that we all of a sudden think its ok for gays and lesbians to marry? Why have we accepted what is not natural behavior. What can be natural about a pairing of two individuals unable to procreate their own species? Spare me the mri scans showing its rooted in their brains, because for everyone of those, another psychiatrist can show you that psychotics and pedophiles etc brains are different too. What they are expected to do is to respect the law (sometimes God's law and sometimes man's). Just because one has an impulse doesn't mean one has to act upon it. Don't we as parents teach our children self control, restraint etc? Isn't that our job? What is next, polygamists asking to be granted the right to marry more than one spouse? Pedophiles asking for the right to molest children? Why is that any different than what the gay community is asking? Why then are the gay/lesbian crowd able to convince a growing majority of people that what was once abhorrent is now accetable behavior? What does that say about us as a people? As a society?

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