Monday, November 17, 2008


Got a call this morning from Mark, my Dad has had a big heart attack during the night last night and is going to be undergoing a cardiac catheritization this afternoon. He has a history of strokes and so they have to overcome the coumadin to do the catheritization and hope that while they fix the blockage in the heart it doesn't move when they open it up and cause a massive stroke.

Needless to say I am feeling overwhelmed. I can't really do anything or go out there until after the race. Prayers that what ever happens I can deal with it. Prayers that if its his time, he can go without any real pain or discomfort.


Tracy said...

An update on my Dad. They did the procedure the other day and they told my mom they would continue to treat him medically for his heart condition. Well, knowing what I know I asked my sister to get more information and her and Mark asked questions yesterday. My mom assumed that since they said they would treat him medically that he was "good to go". Well come to find out that he has multiple blockages still, one is 95% occluded, the other two we know about are 75% and 65%. He isn't good to go, unless we are referring to returning to Heavenly Father. He is a ticking time bomb. He is so weakened after this heart attack, he can't even sit up by himself. I think I am going to make a trip out there. I would much rather see him alive than dead.

silleeg said...

Oh, Tracy, I am sorry. Thank you for keeping us updated. He is in our prayers.

Marti K said...


Did you go visit yet? I'm so sorry your dad is so ill. Keep us informed.