Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cutie Paisley

A few facts about Paisley:

She LOVES her babies. She takes very good care of them and insists that they are always covered with blankets because they are cold.

Her favorite song as of late is " The Yucky, Yucky Spider" It's cute what her little ears think the words to that song are.

She is loving fall because she loves to play in the leaves. Luckily for her we have some massive trees in our yard that are quickly dropping all their leaves so there are plenty for her to play in. And nice daddy doesn't mind her making a mess of his piles as he rakes.

We sure love Paisley being a part of our family. She makes every day FUN!

1 comment:

silleeg said...

The yucky, yucky spider? That is very cute! Fun photos!