Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nathan!!

Hi Nathan,

I hear that you'll be starting school soon.  I am sure you are very excited about that.  For your birthday, I am giving you the history of teddy bears.

A long time ago, before even when grandma and grandpa were born, even longer than that, there was a President of the United States named  Theodore Roosevelt.  His nickname was Teddy, and he had an interesting experience hunting bears:

A man who drew cartoons for papers made pictures of the President with little bears looking over his shoulders or around his feet teasing the people in Mississipi and Louisiana.

Many people were excited about them, so a very creative decided that all kids should have a chance to have their very own bear:

This colorful teddy bear belongs to your cousin Jonathan.  It was a present from his Nana right after he was born.  I looked at the teddy bear to find out what his name was, and there was a tag on his ear.  The first thing I read on the tag was "To Wash:".   Since that time, this bear has been known as To Wash.

Happy Birthday, Nathan!

Love, Uncle Lew

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