Sunday, November 09, 2008

9 months

Today is my husband and my 9 month anniversary!!!  I can hardly imagine that we have already been married for 9 months.  But it also seems like we have been married for a long time.  Time is weird like that.  So, let me tell you of some of the things I have learned in our 9 months of marriage.

- MARRIAGE IS GREAT!  I like to tell people that I would have done it years ago if I realized how great it was.  Not that I knew my husband or was ready to marry him years ago, but it is true that marriage is wonderful!!

- My husband would never do anything to intentionally hurt my feelings (and I wouldn't hurt his).  So, if either of our feelings get hurt by the other it wasn't on purpose.  That helps out A LOT.  Little things that don't matter sometimes come up and bother one of us.  But as we realize how much the other loves us we do a lot better at getting over it and just loving each other.

- Little things matter - some days I come home from work and my husband is rushing around vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen, making dinner.  It may have only taken 15 minutes but WOW what a difference it makes to my day.  As we both try to do little things to make each other happy or to make the other's day easier we grow closer together and fall more in love each day.

- Compliments make a difference.  My husband is wonderful at complimenting me.  Like most women I go through phases when I feel ugly or fat or whatever.  But it is hard to feel that way long when I have a husband telling me that I am beautiful or smart or funny.  It is great to know that I have a husband that adores me and that always will.

- Apologize - At our wedding the sealer talked about apologizing and it is VERY TRUE.  He said that you should always apologize first.  It doesn't matter if you were right or wrong.  He said it much more eloquently, but that was the gist of it.  I know that I LOVE it when my husband apologizes.  I think that he likes it when I apologize as well.  Plus we are more quickly able to get over things when we are both trying to be the first to apologize.

So, those are my thoughts after 9 months of marriage.  It probably isn't anything that you pros don't already know but I figured you could alway use a reminder and that you would enjoy knowing that my husband and I are learning and growing and LOVING BEING MARRIED.  




Mom and Dad said...

Thanks, Jen. I appreciate hearing those nice things very much. That is the way marriage is supposed to go. Keep up the good work.

silleeg said...

Jen, this is a very tender post. I am so glad you two are happy! Happy 9 month anniversary!

Tracy said...

Jen, I am taking a minute off from race preparations because if I don't someone else will post and this will be lost in the same place socks in the dryer go to.

I agree with Rebecca that this is a tender post and that is probably part of the reason Layne loves you so much. I hope you are always tender hearted and that Layne always tries to be appreciative of that and emulates it.

Marriage is a wonderful thing and with nourishment and care can be something eternally rewarding.