Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I would like to say Congratulations to California, Arizona and Florida for successfully banning gay marriage! Good job family members that had their vote count towards this incredible win. The fight isn't over I am sure, but for now we have won and marriage is safe for the time being!!


Mom and Dad said...

Thank you Stefanie, for all of your hard work
In the prop 8 fight. You were very stalwart in
Your defense of truth and righteousness.

Mom and Dad said...

Thank you Stefanie, for all of your hard work
In the prop 8 fight. You were very stalwart in
Your defense of truth and righteousness.

Lewis said...

In year five of the reign of the judges, Amlici organized a revolt against the government when his minority position failed in a national referendum to re-instate a monarchy in favor of the theocratic democracy that Mosiah established. The result was much bloodshed and disruption. Prop 8 may already be under Supreme Court scrutiny, the same Supreme Court that ruled in favor of gay marriage in May. Don't get comfortable.

Mom and Dad said...

I am sure this "victory" won't last long. Obama will either 1)reverse it by a presidential edict, or 2)he will appoint judges who will overthrow it. Soon gay marriage will be the law in all of the states, I'm afraid.