Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What are you doing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and who are you spending it with?

Christmas Eve will find us in the company of the Lamberts. They have graciously invited us to their home to share their prime rib. Mmmmm. We are excited about their invitation and opportunity to be with family. Christmas day we will be alone and just relaxing and enjoying each other. The day after Lewis, Caitlin and Jonathan will be headed to Palmdale for a quick visit.

Shelley explained that on Christmas Eve their tradition is to have/cook what ever foods their kids associate with Christmas. She asked me to provide what ever foods my kids associate with the day. When we talked I thought, hmmmm I don't think they associate with the holiday. I was wrong. Both Jon and Dan want "turkey". We always have turkey on Thanksgiving and a honeybaked ham for Christmas. But they said that it isn't Christmas to them without "turkey". Caitlin said its Grandma's holiday jello. Lauren said its "rolls". Lewis didn't seem to have an opinion but after much thought, what came to me was Grandma's slush. I was introduced to it the Christmas I came home from my mission and several times since then and when I get slush, I know its Christmas. What do your kids associate with the holiday?


Stefley said...

We will be with my parents in the morning of Christmas Eve and then on to the Cornwall's for Christmas eve and Christmas day. I think I need funeral potatos at Christmas time! I also think of ham, and I had forgotten about slush but now I really want some!! yummm! That will be fun to go to Shelley's!

Mom and Dad said...

Thank you Tracy. It makes me feel happy that some of the traditional things that we fixed are being carried on by our children.

Stefanie, I shall make slush for while you are here.

silleeg said...

Tracy, what a fun post! In thinking about foods for Christmas, I can only remember the sweets! Hello Dollies, pumpkin bread, and See's Candy!! Those are the 3 things we have make sure to eat as tradition here for the Christmas season.We are on our second year of doing a Christmas scripture chain as our advent calendar and our second year of giving goodies away each week for FHE. Mialee has really been into both of those activities this year. Hope you have a fun time at the Lamberts! We look forward to seeing family in Palmdale!

silleeg said...

Stef, don't eat all the slush! :)

alwayshot said...

Yeah, i want some slush and I want Jennifer to try it ;)