Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Maybe I have it right this time. So, Stefanie sent us a box of chocolate that she and Jason got in Germany. It took about two weeks to come and I had just about decided it was lost when it came. She sent a variety of kinds - one bar had chili peppers in it, one was milk chocolate, one was milk chocolate with a dark chocolate filling. Brad and Taryn enjoyed the straws which made milk either strawberry or chocolate. The hearts were yummy milk chocolate. We had a lot of fun tasting the different kinds. Thanks, Stef and Jason for the treat and the very fun experience!


silleeg said...

OOOOhhhhh, looks like you got some different kinds from what we got. Our favorite was the one that tasted like a kitkat!

taryn_swims_ said...

Yum Yum. It was good. Thanks!!