Wednesday, December 05, 2007

James new email

Dear Family, How are you all doing? I am doing really well. Our zone is working really hard. Being a zone leader has been such a rewarding time of service. My new companion, Elder Asbury, always remembers to pray for the zone members. That has inspired me to do likewise. In last October's General Conference, President Iring spoke along the same lines that if we are in service, to pray for the people in whom we serve. I know that to be true. Lately as we have been praying and serving the zone, our charity and happiness has grown tremendously. Last week, we reached a zone high of 15 people in the baptismal pool. Sadly, everyone has agency and as of last night we have 8 in the baptismal pool. We had one of the most spiritual meetings of my life yesterday as we attended Zone Leader Council. At Zone Leader Council, all 18 Zone Leaders from the 9 zones in the mission, with the Assistants to the President, meet in the high council room and discuss matters of the mission with President and Sister Nielson. It was so wonderful to be apart of such a meeting, I am reminded of the scripture... Alma 52:9 - "... Moroni and Teancum and many of the chief captains held a council of war-- ..." The meeting we held really was just that. We discussed our english class, key indicators, baptismal invitations, the commitment patter, the teaching method, and many other wonderful things. My companion and I on thursday will create our zone vision and than present it to the districts. President Garn is a powerful man. He renewed my love of the Lord and this work. I have enjoyed so much at going outside and talking to as many people as I can. What a wonderful feeling to talk with a brother or sister of God. The feeling is really something hard to describe, but I promise it will always remain in your heart. I know you all probably are asked for referrals all the time; but I know that if we all ponder and prayerfully select a family to refer the missionaries to, we will feel that same joy and will see a big miracle happen within our homes and the lives of our brethern. This church is true. The experience I have obtained and been shown have strengthened that testimony. In Taiwan, men are expected to serve in the military. Our new member, brother Liu has been preparing and contemplating serving the Lord. In taiwan, the mind set is to army, school, that serve a mission. President Nielson, retaught the teachings of the prophets that every young man 18-19 start to prepare and go to serve a full time mission of 2 years. We met with him last night and shared this with him, as well as invite him to pray and find for himself. I know that God will answer his prayers. He has had a testimony of prayer for quite some time. I promise all of you, as we obediently obey the Lord's chosen servants, they will not lead us astray. We can receive the comforting peace that comes from the Spirit witnessing we have done what the Lord has desired. SO! MIRACLES! We went on exchanges with Elder Cai (District Leader) and spent most of monday at a hospital serving or myself doing followups. Monday night though, was soooooooooooooooooo much fun. We talked to a ton of people. (Yesterday, President Nielson taught us that, if you are worthy, you do your morning studies, and are desirous, the Spirit will talk to you. They will not be your thoughts, but the Spirit.) We had two experiences with that. We went into a big apartment complex that we can actually tract in! and were contacting families. On our way out, a Brother Su waved at us, and both Elder Cai and I flipped a 180 and were talking with him. We talked for about 20 min and he has some of the most pure desire ever to know the existance of God. He set up for Saturday at 10am. Later that night, we were contraveling (contacting and traveling at the same time. I made it up.) home I said hello and waved to a high school boy. He waved back and flashed a awesome smile. So I flipped a U-turn and we contacted him and he set up too! It is in the small things we do, where the Spirit will guide us and lead us into the lives of the prepared. I know that the Spirit is the master teacher. All we ever desire to learn and know can be ours if we ask in faith. Moroni 7:26 I love you all and hope you all this festive season will have the Lord's peace in your hearts! Be strong and follow your leaders and parents! Love Elder Whelchel P.S. BE strong!

1 comment:

silleeg said...

I enjoy reading his emails. Thank you.