Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lewis's new calling!

Well, just before we sat down for Sacrament, the 2nd counselor in the Stake Presidency grabbed both Lewis and I to extend Lewis a calling. He is now the Assistant Ward Clerk in charge of finances. A friend of ours sitting in front of us, after Lewis was sustained joked that "once a clerk always a clerk". Another brother heard that and said "yes you only get released when you die" to which the first gentleman said "not even then, they have clerks on the other side too". LOL.


taryn_swims_ said...

How exiting. Congragulations!

(Sorry,I don't know how to spell it)

Derrick said...

I was a finance clerk once. It was the easiest calling I ever had. I loved it. lol

silleeg said...

Good luck! You will do great!

Mom and Dad said...

Good job, Lewis! I know you will be great at the calling.

Hey Derrick - fun to hear from you.