Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wonderful Day

Yesterday dad and I had the honor of entertaining our former mission president and his wife, President and Sister Raymond. They e-mailed us a few weeks ago to ask if they could come up to see us. We, of course, said yes.

We had lunch together and visited about 90 miles a minute. Then we took a ride - President had been in Palmdale 40 years ago and wanted to see it again. We passed a place where new homes are being built and are advertised as being available from the "low $600,00's". President was driving and he said he wanted to see what a $600,000 house looks like so he pulled into the tract and we went through a couple of the models.

After that we came back to our house and played Rummy Kub until they had to leave. It was so fun to be with them again. We will be attending their farewell party on June 23.

Hope all of you have a happy and reverent Sunday. We love you all!!!!!
Dad and Mom :)


Tracy said...

Sounds like you had a great day!! I heard the Lamberts are headed to Yosemite and you had your little day of fun and Stef and Jason are enjoying their new house, sounds like all is well in Zion for a brief welcome moment. At least with most of us. I hope everyone else is having a good day/weekend/month too.

silleeg said...

How fun mom! Glad you were able to play with them and have a good day!