Thursday, June 28, 2007


I know that Stef can commiserate with us. I am so TIRED of moving. Good thing we are almost ready to drive away huh?!! Somehow the unpacking always seems to be easier then the packing up. Putting your own personal touches up and making it yours right?

If I can just endure the next two days. ugh.


Stefley said...

That's funny, I'm the opposite. Packing isn't so bad, but I'm rather not unpack! I'd rather throw it all away and start over than unpack. Which is why we still have a bunch of boxes all over our house!

silleeg said...

You are doing a good job Tracy! It will all be worth it when you are in that beautiful home! I love packing up so I can throw things away! It is an automatic spring cleaning. Good luck this weekend with the driving.

Mom and Dad said...

Moving is way too hard. I was telling dad we should sell everything, and buy a motor home. That way we could park in the driveway of each of our children for a week or two at a time, see everyone often, and not have a lot of "stuff". He didn't go for it.