Thursday, June 07, 2007

Holy Cow!!

I have been getting ready to switch such things as our insurance and utilities. I am SHOCKED by the difference in the charges between California and Utah!! How can California get away with ripping us off so much? What allows them to get away with it? Our insurance is dropping by HALF!! We had a high electric bill last year while using the air conditioner that cost us $743, I went to So Cal Ed and got the usage information for that month, then went to DixiePower who also lists their power prices on their website and figured out that same usage that month in Utah would have cost us $153.46. HOLY COW!!


alwayshot said...

That is a huge difference. That is awesome. You can send over half the savings to me. If you need my address just let me know ;).

silleeg said...

Wahoo! The great benefits of living in Utah! Layne, you are funny.

Stefley said...

I hear ya Tracy! Our car insurance dropped by more than half! Yahoo! Yay for cheaper rates outside of Cali!!

Mom and Dad said...

That is an amazing difference. I suppose the reason may be, at least for the insurance, more cars in CA, thus more accidents. I don't know, I do feel ripped off.