Friday, June 01, 2007

Silly Paisley

Paisley has been getting more silly the longer we stay here in the hotel. The other day she got 2 of her binkis and decided to suck on both of them at the same time. She has made some friends here with some of the kids of people Jason works with. We have been invited to a couple people's homes for dinner and that has been fun. I have become friends with a girl that works at the hotel and tonight if it doesn't rain we are going to a birthday party for her daughter so that will be fun! I also received word today that we are closing on at 8th at noon! YAY! I have the carpets scheduled to be cleaned on Wednesday so they should be good to go by the time we move in.


Mom and Dad said...

Congrats on closing on the 8th. This is really layne posting this with mom and dads account.

silleeg said...

You are doing so great Stef! Good job making friend, Paisley sure is cute!Glad you get out of the hotel soon. Clean carpets are sooo fun!