Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fun at the Circus

Last night Jason, Paisley and I went to the circus along with some of our new friends. We had a blast! The elephants performed really well. They had the worlds youngest flying trapeze artist at 6 years old. He was a 7th generation circus performer. The show lasted for about two hours so we definitely had our fill of the circus for a while. We also saw goats, camels, a zebra, and baby hippo, horses, mules, a cow, and dogs. It was a very fun night in McPherson. It looked like the whole town went out to see the circus!


Tracy said...

So, tell us about your friends, are these fellow church members? Neighbors? Co-workers of Jasons? How big is your ward? branch?

Stefley said...

The friends we went with I met through our lender at the bank. She also works at the bank. She let us borrow a pack and play for Paisley before all of our things got here. When I took it back to her house I met her husband and her baby. They are about the same age and Jason and me. She had a ticket to go to the circus and I told her we wanted to go also and so we decided to go together. We are hoping to have them over for dinner as soon as we get a dining room table. They aren't members. We have a couple friends that are members that we met in our ward. A lot of the people here in our ward don't have family here so they get together about every other sunday for dinner and a bon fire and we were invited over to that on Father's Day. It was a lot of fun. I'm not sure how big our ward is but it seems a lot of people are moving out. We have to drive 30 minutes to church, so I'm trying to get a branch here!

Tracy said...

You go girl, I will let James know that he is not alone in Whelchel family missionary efforts!! I am thrilled that you have made friends so quickly. It makes the move easier to bear and makes the new area more inviting to have friends to see and do things with. Sounds like the Lord has you in His arms and is taking very good care of you.

alwayshot said...

That looked like lots of fun....everyone doesn't get to see performing elephants you know. Is Paisley all ready to up and join the circus and be the new youngest trapiez.. uh whatever?