Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Guest Room

The night we moved into the house we decided to start our home improvements while we waited for the movers to arrive with our things. We were surprised to find 2 layers of wall paper on the wall we were tackling. The first layer came off without a hitch. The second layer was more stubborn.

Jason and I had to scrub and scrape to get the second layer off the wall.

We painted the room a light gray called "fired steel"

This is some of the new furniture and accessories that we have decorated the room with. We aren't completely finished in there. We still need to hang the curtains and make the bed with our new comforter set. I am also making the art we are hanging on the wall and that will be done in a few days.
The guest room is open for business to anyone who wants to come stay the night!


Mom and Dad said...

Stefanie, the room looks beautiful! I can hardly wait to see the finished product after the curtains and the art. Did you get the mattresses switched?
Good job!

Tracy said...

Wow, you have been busy. It looks really nice and that bed looks inviting just the way it is. :)

silleeg said...

I love it Stef! Nice decorating!