Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jonathan's Ordination

Jonathan will be ordained to the office of a Teacher next Sunday. Lewis and I will also be speaking in Sacrament. I guess it will be quite the day for our family. I can't believe he is going to be 14. Seems like just yesterday I was giving birth to him. Time flies........I remember Tevya singing about sunrise and sunset. I can so relate.


silleeg said...

COngratulations Jonathan!I can't believe he is going to be 14 either! Good luck with your talks. Are those farewell talks for you? Is your moving date soon?

Tracy said...

Yes they are farewell talks. That will be our last Sunday in our ward. Next stop will be Bloomington 5th Ward in the Bloomington Utah stake. Thanks to Carleton and Jan who are helping us to get a car up there, I think we have all our bases covered. This is my last week to do anything as I am at girls camp the following week, arrive home on saturday to drive away to our new life in Utah. YIKES!

silleeg said...

How exciting Tracy. Is Bloomington considered St. George? How far are you from Shelley and Stephen? I hope the move goes well. Is anyone feeling sad about it or is this a happy move for everyone? When does Lauren leave for school?

Tracy said...

Yes, our mailing address is actually in St George, its just an "area" that they call Bloomington. The west side of the freeway going into St George is called Bloomington Ranch (where we are) and the east side is Bloomington Hills (where Stephens parents live). Shelley and Stephen live about 10 miles they are very CLOSE. Daniel isn't thrilled about the move and Caitlin wasn't either but she has come around whereas Daniel still isn't thrilled. Lauren is moving with us and is going to Dixie College instead of BYU Idaho. They are giving her a scholarship and its much cheaper than BYU Idaho. She will still live on campus but be closer to home.