Monday, November 26, 2007

James most recent email and release date !!!!

We received a letter from the Mission President and James will be coming home on May 13th. Here is his most recent email. He was made a zone leader last month and sent his companion home. He is now a senior zone leader.

Hello everyone! How are you all doing?! I am doing really well. Today is a rainy day! In fact there are two typhoons off the coast of Taiwan. We had a sister in our zone last transfer who was transferred to TaiDong, but because of the weather on the East coast, she could not travel down on plane. I am still in XiZhi! My new companion is Elder Asbury from Michigan. He is the man. He is really fun and always has a smile. We are excited to work together. He just started being a Zone Leader and President asked if I could be a Zone Leader (Driver). The difference is when certains decisions need to be made, I would make the call. Otherwise, we work it! Last night was Elder Anderson's last night to get out and work. We went out hard and had some afflictions (rude people and rain), but we pushed and taught 14 lessons and found 6 new investigators! MIRACLE! Not to mention, we found two awesome families! They are so awesome. I am greatful for the Lord and His mercy. He has helped us find so many wonderful people. I am greatful for that. How are things with everyone in America? I hope well. I had the opportunity to cook a Turkey dinner for the XiZhi ward. I have never cooked a turkey before, so with help from my mom, Sister Nielson, and Sister Dodge (a senior Sister)... I was able to cook the turkey and make some gravy. I had two awesome ward sisters help make the potatoes along with my companion. We cooked some corn and had Costco Pumpkin pies. I will tell you, if you have not eaten a pumpkin pie in a long time... go eat one! It is delicious! President Garn, Asia Area President, and member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy... is in Taiwan visiting our mission! I am excited and ready to learn. We might be interviewed by him as well. Being a zone leader, the General Authorities usually like to know what the mission is up to. What better than to hit the leadership. I know this Church is true. I know that Heavenly Father lives. This is such a wonderful time to be alive. With all the negativity and evils in the world, "the Lord has need of willing hands..." I hope all of you this Festive Season will thank the Lord for all he has blessed us with. Remember your families and close friends. Remember your dentists, doctors, and grocery baggers... the work of God is wonderful. I love you all. Be strong and have an awesome Thanksgiving! I love you all! Love Elder Whelchel P.S. Keep dry and always remember I am a prayer, letter or email away!

1 comment:

silleeg said...

Thanks for posting this! His letters always amaze me. He is doing so well!