Friday, November 23, 2007

Left at 3:30am and home before 6am!!!

Mission Accomplished!! Yes, Lauren and I got up this morning and braved the 37 degree weather to hit the sales. We had determined that only Kohl's and WalMart had stuff worth
fighting the crowds for. Kohl's opened at 4am. We stayed in the car until 5 mins to for warmth. Got out at 5 mins to and waited for a min in line then the line started to move. We hit the store and thanks to Lauren's famialarity with it, we knew where to go to get what we wanted. Got our stuff and got inline. We were out of there and at WalMart for their 5am opening. We got everything we wanted there and hit the line and just got home. Now its back to bed. I go into WalMart at noon and work til 5, Lauren goes in at 1 and works until 8.

Hope you all had as good of luck as we did!!


silleeg said...

Oh my goodness! That is great Tracy! We haven't left yet for our shopping. We figured we would start around 10am, since we aren't buying anything from the sale magazines anyway.... infact, it is 8am and Nathan is the only one dressed.

silleeg said...

We just got back from our shopping spree! 930-1130am, happy kids, no crowds, and found everything on our list! Yahoo! We even came home with a box of chocolate for us! How did Stef's shopping go? Were you really out of the house at 6am?

Stefley said...

No, we were out by 7. There weren't any crowds at our Walmart because everything was already gone. We then headed to Wichita for the good shopping. It was crazy there, and didn't get the stuff we wanted at Target because it was all gone there too. We got some good stuff at the mall though, but did spend a fair amount of time in lines. It was a lot of fun though. Next year we have to get up earlier so we won't miss all the good stuff at Target!!

Mom and Dad said...

Congratulations to all of you great shoppers. I need someone to take me shopping sometime and show me how to do it. Dad and I were out at 8:00, we did buy a gift for ourselves but didn't find much else. I was talking to a lady in line at one of the stores about my need to take shopping lessons.