Tuesday, November 06, 2007

James most recent email

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I am doing great. Elder Anderson came back on saturday. It has been nothing but fun and hard work. Here is a miracle day for you... Last thursday, Elder Jensen and I wanted to find new investigators. We said a prayer of faith and than went to a "hot pot" for dinner. After dinner, Elder Jensen was feeling sick, so we stopped by the chapel and he used the restroom. While he was in the restroom, I called some potential investigators in my planner and had a brother Huang set up for this saturday! How awesome is that! SO GREAT! He drives a Mazda too, lol. That is how i remembered him, lol. After that, we did some serious contacting... than traveled to tract at a He Ping Rd. I got lost in the rain, so we turned around past the train station and we stopped to talk with a Brother wu. We shared about the Book of mormon and he commited to read a copy and meet with us on Saturday. AWESOME! I know the Lord answers the prayer of faith. I know He listens to all of His children. This past monday. We had alot of busy stuff (follow-ups, service at a hospital, and preparing for our district visits) which kept us inside alot. We went out at night and we were rolling. We wanted to see miracles and the first three people we shared the gospel with all set up times to meet with missionaries! THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME! We did not stop there, we kept teaching and talking to everyone we met. We had a fun wet time. The last man we talked to was a very humble person. He set up and said "i have never talked to God." We are so stoked to meet with him! Miracles are out there, I know they are true. In the book of Moroni, chapter 7, verse 29: "... my beloved brethern, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men." Believe in miracles... do not lose hope. THEY ARE REAL. I am a testimony to that fact. In Zhongli, I crashed face first into the ground and lost two teeth. The fall could have been much worse, but because of four years of track, what could have been a send-home-accident, turned into an experience that has allowed me to see the hand of the Great Creator in my life. Usually when people fall, they will use their hands to break their fall. At the speed and magnitude that I hit the ground, I would have broken both of my arms had I done just that. I at the time, did not... instead I had done what I have done multiple times on the running track. My first two years of high school I attended Los Altos High School. My coach there spent most of his time on our technique. I fell around 20+ times each of those two years. While falling, I taught myself how to break my fall. At the time of falling, I would start to curl into a ball to break my fall, where I would take it in a roll, and spin my body up ward using the force to extort my body and break the fall. As I fell, my experience grew to where I could fall and break my fall and get out without much damage. (I know mom, both times I raced Rubidox I had some nice cuts, lol. Those were different.) So, back to my accident. Elder ware said when I feel, I flew off my back and rolled into a ball. Obviously, i missed the form, since my face hit before I could get the break out. Elder ware said i had landed funny, he said i should have come out of the fall differently. I know, that the four years of track had more of a purpose than enjoyment, health and fun. Its purpose was to keep me on my mission and teach me a lesson that I will forever be indebted to the Lord for. I know this is true and I know He lives. In our lives, many things will happen without power of our own attaining to it. I know the Lord cares for each and everyone of us. He loves us and is guiding us. He has plans for us we could never dream of. For those of your married or on that path... I am sure you were surprised how you two met. The Lord works in ways to bring about His grand and eternal purposes. In Alma, chapter 37, verses 6-7: "... that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise. And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls." I love you all so much you are all spiritual giants! Be strong and remember who you are! Love Elder Whelchel P.S. Have an awesome week and always remember to forgive and forget!


silleeg said...

i love his emails! thanks for posting this.

Mom and Dad said...

Great lessons for all of us. We love his letters.