Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I decided I need to post at least once a week. The only very interesting events in our family are the plethora of ways Grace tries to maim herself. Just today, she tried to amputate her finger and get a concussion, all while supposedly sitting quietly on a chair or a couch.

Mike is in LA until tomorrow. He is coming home early so that we can go see a Christmas show at the Arvada Center called Plaid Tidings! I'm very excited to go.

I'm painting my laundry room peach and I'm putting a matching print fabric on the the walls behind my shelves so that it looks like I wall papered the back of the shelving. Very neat! I love it. We finally moved furniture into the office, but Mike is unhappy with how the carpet in the closet was installed so we can't finish moving in until that is resolved. But the great room that was full of stuff is now only half full of stuff.

OHHH and the most important thing is that I am also getting a free used couch that doesn't shed cushion! Think of the time savings when I'm not vacuuming every day! I may end up with another calling.

We have no presents under our tree. We don't even have a tree, so I think Taryn is well on her way to a great Christmas. We are going to the Homestead in Jan. Come with us! You could be swimming in the Crater, too.

Love to you all.


Tracy said...

Woo hooooo, always fun to hear from the Spencer household. I would be so excited to get weekly updates. Please, please don't tease me. LOL.

Pictures dear, pictures. Can you post them? Call me if you need directions how to do it.

silleeg said...

Thanks for the update Marti!Good job with your laundry room. It sounds pretty! Poor Grace, I hope everything turned out ok with her hands and head.