Saturday, November 24, 2007

Funny Stories

Each morning during breakfast, Mialee and I tell a story. I say about 3 words, then she says 3 words and we create a story together. This is how yesterday's went:

R: Once there was a
M: little girl
R: and it was time for her to
M: to go to bed
R: the little girl said
M: I don't want to go to bed
R: and the mom said
M: ok, you can stay up!

I had to laugh so hard. Poor her, that is probably what she wishes I would say each night when she tells me she doesn't want to go to bed.

Walking in to the market this morning Mialee says to me: "Mom, I'm not big, I am still little, I have sharp teeth." She cracks me up.

Nathan too is getting to be quite funny. The other day in the car, he gasps and points at the window and yells, "it's a pider." There really wasn't a spider there but it sure scared me!


Stefley said...

Those are funny stories. I really like how much Paisley is beginning to talk now-a-days because she also says funny things. She also likes to sing and make up her own songs.

Mom and Dad said...

That make-up-a-story idea is really good, Rebecca. Little children are so amazing.

/\/\r.Joke said...

That was funny.